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Testimonials of 1-1 Coaching with Dawn Lim

"I reached out to Dawn for coaching, feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Having practiced medicine while mothering 3 children for 25 years, why was I at the end of my rope? I decided to commit to coaching with Dawn in an effort to understand and to feel better at work and in life. Efforts on my own had left me frustrated and discouraged. The coaching experience was completely new to me. I would describe it as a calm guiding light out of a storm. I would highly recommend coaching with Dawn. It is obvious that she cares deeply and is committed to it. She is very knowledgeable on the interventions required for growth and decision making. Being a physician and a mother herself brings a level of understanding that is extremely helpful. After my final session, I feel much better and am pleasantly surprised by the result. I have new tools to use for achieving my goal of thriving, not just surviving."

Dr. Michelle LeBlanc,
Family Physician and mother, NB

Bobbi Moriel
life coach, California 

"I completed a total of five sessions of life coaching with Dawn. Initially, I was quite sceptical as I was afraid I would be pressured into making drastic changes in my life and career that I was not prepared for. But after the first session, I was pleasantly surprised. Dawn is an empathic listener and strategic thinker. She helped me to realize that life coaching is really just about a growth mindset with the goal of attaining greater personal and career fulfillment. She helped me shift my perspective on some of the obstacles I face and identify areas for self-improvement. As a physician mom like myself, she has a great understanding of the unique challenges that we face, especially physician burnout. I have taken what I have learned from the sessions to remind myself to practice more self-compassion on days when I am feeling overwhelmed. I would highly recommend Dawn to everyone, but especially to career moms."

physician and mother, Oakville

"Before coaching, I felt that I had no choice but to work an average of 10 to 11 hour days in order to look after the many patients without primary care. My time at work was very stressful-I was so tense. I couldn't eat during my whole weekday and did not take any breaks. I would spend Saturdays and my evenings just recovering from work and did very little for myself. And generally felt exhausted and irritable most of the time. Coaching helped me realize I had choices and limits. Dawn also helped me realize that I had fulfilled my goal given that I had made a significant contribution to a new primary collaborative care clinic. I really felt much more in control of my work situation. I experienced a change in my attitude. I’ve felt excessively and inappropriately responsible for primary care in this community and I deserve to have a life outside of medicine. This realization helped me give myself permission to stop working so many hours after 39 years of practising medicine. I’ve started to relax and enjoy my free time and have adopted a healthier lifestyle. I am enjoying more time with my family and friends. I feel more like myself." Dawn encouraged me to be honest with myself and ask hard questions. She helped me understand how my actions contributed to burnout which enabled me to make changes. She helped me figure out my core values and how I need to be true to them. I want to thank Dawn so much for how much she's helped me. Some of the exercises were very difficult and took me a long time to figure out, but it was so helpful. I like that she didn't sugarcoat anything and that helped me to be honest with myself. She helped me understand and face issues that I have avoided dealing with in the past."

"I highly recommend Dawn Lim to those seeking insightful and practical discussions relating to one's career and personal development. I was impressed by the perspective Dawn brought to our coaching sessions. As a practicing professional, she has a profound understanding of the challenges and on-the-ground realities faced by professionals in various fields and it informs her empathetic and practical advice. She provided guidance tailored to my individual circumstances that I found to be quite useful. Approachable and easy to talk to, Dawn effortlessly manages time and conversations, thinks on her feet, and asks incisive and useful questions. I found our sessions to be productive, positive, and well worth the time spent. Dawn's passion for people and coaching is evident in every interaction, and I am grateful for the kind and thoughtful guidance she provided in helping me navigate a path to my goals for personal growth."

Transform with coaching.

Family Physician, NB


J. McElravy
lawyer and entrepreneur

"Flow, very organic and useful."

Brittany Cameron
Emergency Physician,

"Excellent facilitation, there was psychological safety. There was space for feelings and sharing of personal experiences. As a fellow emergency physician, Dr. Lim has a clear shared understanding of our work experience. There is a buy-in to the knowledge she shares, because she directly related the content to our work. The conversation flowed naturally. Dr. Lim was extremely respectful and inquisitive. I felt included in the dialogue. Overall, amazing workshop!"

Huma Ali
Emergency Physician, Calgary

"The (Gifts of Imperfection) workshop flowed smoothly with valuable discussion generated. Dawn demonstrated mastery of the material. Insightful, though-provoking course."

Rod Lim
Emergency Physician, London

Testimonials of Group Coaching by Dawn Lim

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